How to Build and Develop a Real NFT Marketplace Using Vyper Language


  • Vyper: Vyper is a programming language that is specifically designed for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It is similar to Python, which makes it a good choice for developers who are already familiar with that language.

  • Truffle: Truffle is a development framework that makes it easy to develop, test, and deploy smart contracts on Ethereum.

  • MetaMask: MetaMask is a cryptocurrency wallet that can be used to interact with smart contracts on Ethereum.

  • IPFS: IPFS is a decentralized storage network that can be used to store the metadata for NFTs.


  1. Create a new Truffle project:
truffle init
  1. Install Vyper:
npm install @vyperlang/vyper
  1. Create a new Vyper file:
touch contracts/NFTMarketplace.vy
  1. Define the NFTMarketplace contract:


contract NFTMarketplace:

    struct NFT:
        address owner
        uint256 price

    mapping(uint256 => NFT) public nfts

    def createNFT(self, uint256 price):
        tokenId := len(self.nfts)
        self.nfts[tokenId] = NFT(msg.sender, price)
        return tokenId

    def buyNFT(self, uint256 tokenId):
        nft := self.nfts[tokenId]
        require(nft.owner != msg.sender)
        require(msg.value >= nft.price)

        self.nfts[tokenId].owner = msg.sender

    def getNFTPrice(self, uint256 tokenId):
        return self.nfts[tokenId].price

Use code with caution. Learn more


  1. Compile the Vyper contract:
truffle compile
  1. Migrate the Vyper contract to the blockchain:
truffle migrate
  1. Deploy the NFTMarketplace contract:
truffle deploy
  1. Interact with the NFTMarketplace contract:

You can now interact with the NFTMarketplace contract using MetaMask. To create a new NFT, simply call the createNFT() function and specify the price of the NFT. To buy an NFT, simply call the buyNFT() function and specify the tokenId of the NFT you want to buy.


# Create a new NFT with a price of 1 ETH
tokenId := nftMarketplaceContract.createNFT(1000000000000000000)

# Buy the NFT with tokenId 1

# Get the price of the NFT with tokenId 1
nftPrice := nftMarketplaceContract.getNFTPrice(1)

Once you have deployed the NFTMarketplace contract, you can start building the front-end UI/UX for your NFT marketplace. The front-end UI/UX will allow users to interact with the NFTMarketplace contract to create, buy, and sell NFTs.

Building and developing an NFT marketplace is a complex task, but it is possible to do it yourself with the right tools and resources. By following the steps outlined above, you can create a marketplace that is secure, reliable, and easy to use.